The Sun Bear Solar Project and associated generation interconnect line are proposed for development on Ute Mountain Ute Tribal lands.
The Environmental Assessment is currently in review with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Sun Bear Solar project is experiencing high interest in employment opportunities for the upcoming construction phase.
The project enjoys support from all its stakeholders and is progressing behind the scenes, however it is experiencing a minor delay which is typical with projects of this size and complexity.
The Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor plans to begin construction in 2025. We will provide a link to its employment website when we have a clear estimate on the construction start date. Interested individuals will be able to create a profile and apply for jobs online.
The contractor will rely on this process to screen and hire interested local applicants. We look forward to the start of construction and are excited by the great interest expressed by the local community in employment opportunities.
A detailed program for both training and apprenticeships is being developed and will be posted on this site in advance of the start of construction hiring.
In response to inquiries for vendor and subcontractor opportunities, with respect to the current delay, the EPC contractor will not be looking for pricing or inquiries at this current time. When the new construction date is confirmed, we will provide a link at that time for local vendors to express their interest. We look forward to working with local vendors and subcontractors to execute this project.
The Sun Bear project is a Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance (TERO)-compliant program. More details on that program will be posted with updates on employment and vendor information. For more information on the Ute Mountain Ute TERO program, contact Marcie Lopez, Ute Mountain TERO director, P.O. Box 234, 420 Sunset Blvd., Towaoc, CO 81334; phone: 970-564-5717; email: mlopez@utemountain.org
Sun Bear aligns with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Climate Action Plan goals to generate a long-term and predictable source of revenue, enable energy self-sufficiency, and reduce GHG.
Sun Bear also aligns with U.S. federal goals to attain 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
The proposed project requires the Bureau of Indian Affairs approval of a lease agreement between the UMU and Canigou.
The timeline of the Proposed Action includes 2-4 years of site preparation and construction, a 35-year project life, and 2-4 years of decommissioning and reclamation.
Up to 971-megawatt direct current, which would displace 1,700 to 2,400 GW hours per year. This is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from 214,363 homes' energy use for one year.
Located on approximately 3,800-4,224 acres of Ute Mountain Ute Tribal land, south of Towaoc, along U.S. Hwy 160.
Gen-tie line (4.97 mi) connecting the project to a regional transmission line nearby.
Construction would require ~600-1,000 employees. Once operational, 10-50 full-time employees.